Are You Ready for the BIP Trainer's Certification?
CourseA pre-sell course to help trainers, teachers, and L&D professionals self-qualify for the Business Is Personal Trainer's Certification by Dr. Corrie J. Block. Assess experience, explore program details, and confirm readiness for enrollment.
Coaching ROI
CourseCoaching has an incredible ROI for companies. These 4 ROI models help Finance and Talent Management professionals calculate the impact of executive coaching, and help coaches to value their services properly and price more accurately.
Are You Ready for Executive Coaching?
CourseThis free mini-course is designed to help you to decide if Executive Coaching is a good idea for you. It's also designed to help me to be more productive by automating a few important conversations.
Business Is Personal Online Course
CourseThis program is designed to help learners find meaning at work through the creation and alignment of their personal vision, mission, values, and goals to those of their organization.
Mini Course: Career Development for Executives in Large Companies
CourseThis concise 20-minute course is tailored exclusively for executives, senior managers, and professionals in leadership positions, offering essential insights and strategies to advance their careers.
Business is Personal
CourseWork-Life Balance is a Myth! Your job is half of your life, so it should be as meaningful as possible. The vast majority of employees aren’t happy at work, and yet those that are make more money, get promoted faster, and live healthier lives.