Specifically for managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives!

Spartan CEO Series: Six Pillars of Executive Performance will unlock your career advancement trajectory and resolve your income limitations. Get ahead? Get the Edge.

Did You Know??

Executive compensation has grown by 940% since 1978, and yet the number of CEO positions has declined by 25% and is expected to decline by another 5% over the next 8 years? That means there are fewer high level management positions, and they are more lucrative than ever. 

Is it your turn to? ...

  • Earn more money at work (high level managers earn 265x the average salary)
  • Bust through the invisible ceiling of advancement opportunities in your career
  • Become addicted to high performance behaviors
  • Brain-hack your confidence levels in any situation or context
  • Practice mindfulness to optimize your overall performance at work
  • Master your flow state to achieve 500% better productivity in complex tasks
  • Achieve a 57% higher market-over-asset value by changing one simple behavior
  • Curate competition that drives your self-development

Celebrity Testimonials

Don't take my word for it... definitely take theirs!

Joe De Sena

Founder & CEO, Spartan Race Inc.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Dr. Corrie Block brilliantly upholds my conviction that placing the health and wellbeing of yourself and workforce above all else, is the foundation of a successful venture."

Meiraj Hussein

Group Head of HR, Al Masaood Group of Companies

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "As someone who has worked extensively with Dr Corrie and benefited from having our top leaders trained by him, I highly recommend all these online courses. There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise and anyone who subscribes will definitely have the cost-value equation in their favor."

Mohammad bin Sulaiman


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "A blueprint for becoming a super-executive. Executing the tips and tricks in here can accelerate anyone’s career. Drawing from 20 years in leadership, Dr. Corrie Block takes professional development to a whole new level, using real-word data, and often backing it up with his own experience. This is a whole new level of self-help for top management."

Toby from Pillar 6

Yes, that Toby! #f*cktoby

I was completely humbled by this. Glad I could push Corrie without even realising it. Deep down I knew I’d never get near to his deadlift weights! Wherever I have worked health and well-being has never been considered despite all the advantages and statistics to suggest it should. Spartan CEO provides different insights into leadership with easy to use tips which I can relate to. Knowing Corrie as a friend, his wit, knowledge and experience shines through and was written exactly how he would talk to you one on one. #f*ckdeadlifts #f*cktoby

Your Leadership Professor

Professor of Strategic Management Corrie J Block, PhD, DBA

Dr. Corrie Block has 25+ years of experience in 150+ companies across 30+ countries. He is a Tier 1 Executive Coach, best-selling author, and Professor of Strategic Management, holds Masters degrees in Business and Leadership, a UK PhD, a Swiss DBA, and certification in Artificial Intelligence from MIT. He's a Certified Executive Coach, Wellness Coach, NLP Level 2 Business Practitioner, Advanced Financial Statement Analyst, and a Board Certified Master Neuroplastician. Plus, he's a naturally engaging storyteller and an impact-focused instructor.

The Spartan CEO Series Pillar 1: Fitness

This course is intended for existing or aspiring managers, and leaders looking to get an edge in business and stand out from their peers. In this Pillar we will look at the relationship between physical and mental fitness and personal and organizational performance. You'll learn how you'll get paid more if you invest time in your physical, mental, and organizational fitness.

  • Make more money using scientific and real-world drivers of high capacity executive performance.

  • Learn how fight, flight, and feather behavior exhibits in lazy-minded leaders.

  • Master the connection between physical and organizational fitness.

  • Learn exercises for organizational fitness that profitably repurpose stored organizational energy.

  • Improve your profit margin through science-based leadership.

  • Earn an accredited 9 CPD points when you complete all 6 Pillars

FREE BONUS: Trello Board

You'll even get a Trello Board to help you structure and apply your learning

In the first Spartan CEO Leadership Masterclass, you’ll learn:

  1. The impact of physical fitness on personal performance and business outcomes, and how to change your mind to get it done - ($345 value)
  2. How to recognize mental fat in yourself and others, and how to tell when someone else is outdated and hiding their insecurities. This will give you an unanticipated edge in interpersonal leadership - ($345 value)
  3. A deep dive into the impact of short-sighted net profit based organizational weight-loss strategies on employees, leaders, and the business. You’ll learn how to cut costs without harming the corporate community and organizational culture - ($345 value)
  4. Methods for creating disciplines to change your behavior. You’ll learn to translate goals into replicable activities that improve your lifestyle and lead you to success - ($345 value)
  5. A bootcamp approach to organizational fitness for sustainable growth and profitability. You’ll learn metrics for predicting your future success based on your organizational behaviors today - ($345 value) 

So that’s $1,725 in high level leadership training, direct from a double doctorate Professor of Strategic Management and 7-time entrepreneur, for only $147 !

This is NOT...

  • A feel-good self-help course
  • An emotional cuddle or a pat on the back program
  • A months-long MBA style academic program
  • Another useless online leadership course
  • A pile of motivational mumbo-jumbo based on minimum experience and education
  • An empty promise of success

This is a proven strategy and framework for executive performance based on:

• 1,000’s of Executive interviews • 100’s of companies • 30+ countries • 25 years of experience • 30,000 hours of education • 1 leadership strategy: Spartan CEO

Yes! I want $1,725 in Leadership Training

for only $147

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Workout

    2. Did you do it?

    3. The Pillar 1 Fitness Trello Board

    1. I am a Spartan

    2. 21 Days, No Day Off

    3. My 8-Year Old Self

    4. Does CEO Fitness Matter?

    5. Quiz: CEO Fitness

    1. Mental Obesity

    2. 3 Things

    3. 6 Things

    4. You Are Not What You Think

    5. Masking Incompetence

    6. Flight

    7. Flight Response

    8. Feather

    9. Creating Disciplines

    10. Mental Fat Survey

    1. The Bad Surgeon

    2. Shareholder Supremacy

    3. Trimming the Fat

    4. Organizational Fat Store

    5. 127th Hours

    6. How to Perform an Amputation

    7. The Cost of redundancies on the Redundant

    8. Increased Hazzard of Death

    9. 234:1

    10. The Cost of Redundancies on the Organization

    11. A Better Path to Lean

    12. A Bootcamp Approach to Organizational Fitness

    13. Quiz: Organizational Fitness

    14. A Quick Assignment

    1. Spartan Core Finisher

    2. Defining Moments

    3. Questions for Consideration

    4. Conclusion: The Next Pillar

    5. Pillar 1 Feedback Survey

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

The Spartan CEO Story

After years of practice and education…

…founding 7 companies of my own, and working in more than a hundred companies as a strategist, I had a lot of top research that could benefit thousands of people. But I was only meeting with a few executives at a time. And it didn’t seem fair to have all of this knowledge in the hands of so few leaders. So I ran executive training programs for large companies.

It was a HUGE success

My client companies were totally transformed. I achieved:

+19.7% improvements in leadership proficiency

+18.0% improvement in management performance

+18.7% better corporate communications

+23.7% improvements in empowerment

+27.4% higher values-driven leadership

+22.2% improvements in personal life efficacy

The ROI on my executive coaching was more than 788%!!

But so few could afford it. And I was still only reaching a few hundred executives a year.

And there were literally millions of managers and leaders out there that needed this information.

And the gap between the high performers and the average performers was widening.

It was a moment of decision… And I had to decide whether this should be the exclusive knowledge of the 1% who could afford my program, or to take it to the masses.

I knew I had to make this knowledge available to everyone.

It was the only way I could be proud of myself as a strategy professor and leadership expert.

So I wrote my notes and stories down. And I published a book and this masterclass series, to give the strategic advantage to EVERYONE that wanted it. If you want to excel in leadership, don’t follow me, follow the science.

Are you?

  • Insecure in your job
  • A struggling entrepreneur
  • Having trouble with public speaking
  • Failing to find work-life balance
  • Sick of getting treated badly by your boss
  • Tired of your team underperforming
  • Lazy or unmotivated
  • A workaholic 

Then the 6 Pillars will solve these problems too!! You too can…

 Make more money using scientific and real-world drivers of high capacity executive performance.

Stand out from other leaders by using advanced techniques for realizing business outcomes. 

Get a better job by mastering the behaviors of the world’s best managers.

Raise your profit margin through science-based leadership

Pillar 1: Fitness

Problem: My boss yells at me all the time.

Solution: Understand the defense mechanism your boss uses to hide his mental weaknesses.  

Pillar 2: Confidence

Problem: I’m afraid of making presentations at work.

Solution: Confidence is not a talent or a character trait, it’s a skill.

Pillar 3: Discipline

Problem: I can’t seem to get up off the couch and live my dreams.

Solution: Your behavior is a dopamine addiction, and it can be hacked.

No Time?

No problem, it will take about 4 hours to do each course. And the masterclasses are broken down into 15-20 minute lessons for easy learning. Most managers do them at work, between meetings and tasks.

No Money?

No problem, the course is less than the price of a coaching session, and contains enough to get you going. Then when you are making more money because you are getting better jobs, come back and do the remaining masterclasses. All of the masterclasses are available with monthly payments if you just can’t wait.

No Support?

No problem, you can interact with other students in the masterclass discussion forums, and with me on social media. I’ll help you because it’s my passion to do so. You’re the person I wrote this course for!

The BAD news is this is NOT for everyone…

  • Not for those who don’t want a strong leadership career
  • Not for those that do want a quick fix to their life problems
  • Not for those that aren’t willing to make serious behavioral changes
  • Not for those who are satisfied in their current jobs
  • Not for those with no management experience at all

Sorry friends… not this time. 

The GOOD news is that this is for these people.

Yes! I want my $1,725 in Leadership Training

for only $147


In the first Spartan CEO Leadership Masterclass, you’ll learn:

  1. The impact of physical fitness on personal performance and business outcomes, and how to change your mind to get it done - ($345 value)
  2. How to recognize mental fat in yourself and others, and how to tell when someone else is outdated and hiding their insecurities. This will give you an unanticipated edge in interpersonal leadership - ($345 value)
  3. A deep dive into the impact of short-sighted net profit based organizational weight-loss strategies on employees, leaders, and the business. You’ll learn how to cut costs without harming the corporate community and organizational culture - ($345 value)
  4. Methods for creating disciplines to change your behavior. You’ll learn to translate goals into replicable activities that improve your lifestyle and lead you to success - ($345 value)
  5. A bootcamp approach to organizational fitness for sustainable growth and profitability. You’ll learn metrics for predicting your future success based on your organizational behaviors today - ($345 value) 

So that’s $1,725 in high level leadership training, direct from a double doctorate Professor of Strategic Management and 7-time entrepreneur, 

for only $147 !

More Reviews:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Dr. Corrie and this book makes the academic world of leadership and business accessible for everyone.” - Balage

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is brilliant. It's fun, engaging, witty, and I really enjoyed the stories.” - Mozhgan

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Written by a man who clearly knows what he is talking about, loaded with experience.” - Wieteke

Seriously, do you need to hear any more?


Even if you are a new leader

Even if you are a first-time manager

Even if you’ve been in management your whole career

Even if you’re already a CEO

… standing out from the crowd is a game of skill at every level.

These 6 Pillars are the skills you need.

Here are some reviews from Amazon:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This book definitely has earned a top 5 in my library and will be revisited multiple times in the years to come.” - Joey

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “You’ll just be itching to go to work after reading this book by Dr Block. Well worded, filled with brilliant ideas. A must read!” - Magdolna

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. 

I’ve been teaching this material to closed boardrooms and invitation-only executive retreats for years. This is your chance to get the edge that they have!!

Lead like a Spartan - Act Now!

Yes! I want $1,725 in Leadership Training

for only $147

Not ready to commit to a masterclass?

Get the eBook for only $7.99.

Or if you’re like Dr. Corrie, you might prefer a real paper book to hold in your hands, flip through, gaze lovingly at, and smell. Ah, that new book smell. You’ll find that on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and anywhere books are sold.