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Course curriculum

    1. Secret 1: Empowerment in Organizations

    2. Secret 2: Happiness at Work

    3. Secret 3: Value of Time

    4. Secret 4: Worklife Blend

    5. Secret 5: Millennials and Significance

About this course

  • Free
  • 5 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Professor of Strategic Management Corrie J Block, PhD, DBA

Dr. Corrie Block has 25+ years of experience in 150+ companies across 30+ countries. He is a Tier 1 Executive Coach, best-selling author, and Professor of Strategic Management, holds Masters degrees in Business and Leadership, a UK PhD, a Swiss DBA, and certification in Artificial Intelligence from MIT. He's a Certified Executive Coach, Wellness Coach, NLP Level 2 Business Practitioner, Advanced Financial Statement Analyst, and a Board Certified Master Neuroplastician. Plus, he's a naturally engaging storyteller and an impact-focused instructor.

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